Home insurance in Italy

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Home insurance in Italy, or dwelling insurance, provides essential coverage against various risks that may affect your property. Natural disasters such as fires, floods, or earthquakes can occur without warning, causing significant damage. But with a suitable insurance policy, you can be at ease, knowing that your investment is protected.

In this article, we will delve into the world of home insurance in Italy, discussing the different coverages available, the steps to take to subscribe to insurance, and tips for choosing the best insurance according to your specific needs. Let’s dive into this world of tranquility and security, so that your home in Italy remains a haven of peace under all circumstances.

  1. Is home insurance mandatory in Italy?
  2. How to take out home insurance in Italy?
  3. Do you need an Italian bank account to pay for home insurance in Italy?
  4. What type of coverage does home insurance offer in Italy?
  5. What is the price of home insurance in Italy?
  6. Which insurance to choose in Italy?
  7. Home insurance for a primary residence in Italy
  8. Home insurance for a second home in Italy

Is home insurance mandatory in Italy?

Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant of a house in Italy, home insurance in Italy is never mandatory unless you take out a mortgage in Italy, in which case you will be required to take out insurance against fires in Italy. However, in the event of damage caused to others or occurring inside the apartment you occupy, you will be responsible for the repair and compensation costs. It is for this reason that it is preferable to take out comprehensive insurance to avoid significant expenses.

How to take out home insurance in Italy?

Subscribing to home insurance involves several steps:

  1. The insurer in Italy provides a quote based on your needs.
  2. You accept the quote by making the corresponding payment for the offer.
  3. You receive the contract, which you must sign and return to the insurer.

The insurance contract in Italy begins at the time of payment of the policy, which generally occurs simultaneously with the signing.

It’s important to note that in Italy, it is rare to make monthly payments for home insurance. It is more common to pay annually, semi-annually, every four months, or quarterly. However, if you decide to switch to monthly payments for your insurance policy, you will need to have an Italian bank account to access this option and have made an initial payment.

insurance in Italy

Do you need an Italian bank account to pay for home insurance in Italy?

To pay for home insurance in Italy, it is not necessary to have an Italian bank account, as payment for the insurance policy is made via bank transfer. However, if you wish to make monthly payments for your insurance, then you will need an Italian bank account.

Nevertheless, having an Italian bank account can also be useful for paying your bills in Italy or receiving an Italian salary.

What type of coverage does home insurance offer in Italy?

The offer of home insurance in Italy consists of several options that you can choose to subscribe to or not:

  • Civil Liability in Italy: covers all damages caused to a third party by your family and pets.
  • Glass Breakage in Italy: covers accidental damage to the windows of the house.
  • Legal Assistance in Italy: provides assistance useful for defending your interests following an event that occurred in private life.
  • Assistance in Italy: allows you to be connected 24/7 with a network of craftsmen who can intervene in case of emergency.
  • Natural Disasters in Italy: most natural disasters are covered by the fire section (such as hail or cyclones), while for earthquakes and floods there is separate coverage. Indeed, in Italy, these natural disasters are very frequent and in some areas, this significantly increases the price of insurance.
  • Reimbursement of veterinary expenses in Italy: even within standard insurance policies, there is the possibility of partially covering veterinary expenses.
  • Solar Panels in Italy: this coverage can be activated if you have installed solar panels on your house, to protect you in case of damage.

What is the price of home insurance in Italy?

The average price of home insurance in Italy can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the property, its location, the desired level of coverage, specific risks covered, as well as the profile of the insured (owner or tenant, claims history, etc.). However, Facile.it indicates that the average price of home insurance in Italy is 150-200 euros per month

Which insurance to choose in Italy?

The list of insurance companies in Italy is long, but the list of the most well-known ones includes: Generali, Axa, Allianz, Cattolica Assicurazioni, Genialloyd, Sara Assicurazioni, Groupama, Unipol Sai, Verti, Tua Assicurazione, Zurich Connect.

In our small guide to insurance in Italy, you will find additional information about insurance in Italy.

Home insurance for a primary residence in Italy

If you have decided to establish your main residence in Italy, home insurance can prove very useful if you are renting an apartment in Italy, covering all risks that may occur and are your responsibility: theft, fires, etc.

However, if you have decided to buy a house in Italy, home insurance will be more useful to protect your property and your family.

In our opinion, whether you are an owner or a tenant, home insurance should be taken seriously.

Home insurance for a second home in Italy

If, however, you have decided to have a second home in Italy, home insurance becomes a necessity. Indeed, if you are not always on the premises, it will be wise to protect yourself from various damages that could affect your property (theft, fires, natural disasters, etc.).

Furthermore, if you have decided to rent out your property during your absence (for example, to offer short-term rentals in Italy), it will then be essential for you to extend your Civil Liability protection to the future tenants, in order to protect yourself from the various damages they could cause inside the house.

Home insurance in Italy will no longer hold any secrets for you!


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